gita hashemi
many worlds in one
- Zandokht
G. Hashemi. (2011) 2019 re-release
- Emergent (project essay)
G. Hashemi. (2019)
- Grounding: States of Gender (project essay)
G. Hashemi. (2017)
- Declarations II: On the Land
G. Hashemi. Proceedings of ... (2017)
- Declarations I: On Movement and Freedom (project publication)
G. Hashemi. (2017)
- Passages III: Like Flesh and Blood (performance pamphlet)
G. Hashemi. (2011) 2019 re-release
- Passages II: Inhabiting the North (performance pamphlet)
G. Hashemi. (2011) 2019 re-release
- Passages I: Wonders of the Sea (exhibition essay)
G. Hashemi. (2014)
- Time Lapsed (curatorial essay)
G. Hashemi. (2013)
- Oh. Canada. Forget about art. Can we talk about the streets?
G. Hashemi. Fuse Magazine, Vol. 33, #4 (2010)
- There Is a Third Voice in Iran
G. Hashemi. Fuse Magazine, Vol. 33, #1 (2010)
- Viva la revolucion
G. Hashemi. Integracion y Resistancia en la Era Global: Evento Teorico Decima Bienal de La Habana. Decima Bienal de La Habana, Havana, Cuba (2009)
- Notes on a Strike
G. Hashemi. Fuse Magazine, Vol. 32 #2. (2009)
- Los imperatives de la liberacion
G. Hashemi. Ex. cat. Arte Nuevo InteractivA’07, Merida, (2007)
- Women, Gender and Representations of Sexualities and Gender – Erotic Literature: Iran
G. Hashemi and F. Farahani. Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Vol. V. Leiden; Boston: Brill (2003-)
- The [New] Politics of Identity: A checklist and invitation
G. Hashemi, J. Wyman and I. Zorde. Fuse Magazine, Vol. 29 # 1 (2006)
- General Public Freedom of Knowledge License
G. Hashemi. Public, #31 (2005)
- Locating Afghanistan: A brief history
G. Hashemi. Ex. cat. Arte Nuevo InteractivA’05, Merida, (2005) 
- Securing the Nation post 9/11: The Case Against Steve Kurtz
G. Hashemi and J. Graham. Fuse Magazine, Vol. 28 #4 (2005)
- Locating Afghanistan
G. Hashemi, B Salari, H. Niazmand. Cedar Rapids: Subversive Press (2004)
- RealPlay
G. Hashemi. Online ex. cat. RRF 2005. Cologne: New Media Festival (2005)
- Across the Divides, Against the Grain
G. Hashemi and H. Loubani. Resources for Feminist Research, Vol. 30 #3 & 4 (2004)
- Negotiations: A Post-Ironic Memo with No Slogans
G. Hashemi. Fuse Magazine, Vol. 26 #3 (2003)
- Negotiations: From a Piece of Land to a Land of Peace site
G. Hashemi. Ex. cat. Toronto: Creative Response (2003).
- Will site
G. Hashemi and H. Loubani. Ex. cat. Toronto: Creative Response (2003)
- Afghanistan, 2002: No Refuge
G. Hashemi and B. Salari. Refuge, Vol. 21 #3 (2002)
- Trans/Planting: Contemporary Art by Women from/in Iran site
G. Hashemi and T. Hemami. Toronto, A Space Gallery (2001)
- The Productive Chasm of Exile
G. Hashemi. Conference paper, CIRA, Toronto, April 2001
- Interfaces 2: Roaming in a Virginal Garden with Women Without Men
G. Hashemi. (2000)
- Interfaces 1: Veiled Interrogations in a Walled Space
G. Hashemi. (2000)
- Between Parallel Mirrors: Foucault, Attoussa and Me, on Sexuality of History
G. Hashemi. (1999)
- The Towers; or Three Letters to Roland Barthes and Two Public Announcements
G. Hashemi. (1998)
- From Footnotes to Text: A Working Paper in Feminist Methodology
G. Hashemi. (1998)
- Enter Conjurour: Chronicle of a Crisis
G. Hashemi. (1997)